No Shave FUE

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a hair transplantation method in which individual hair follicles are removed from a donor area, usually the back of the head, and transplanted to a recipient area where hair is thinning or balding. This method is becoming increasingly popular because it doesn’t leave a linear scar like traditional hair transplant methods. It allows patients to conceal the fact that they’ve had a hair restoration procedure.[1]

As the new hair grows, it blends in more seamlessly with the existing hair, creating a natural-looking and fuller appearance. Essentially, you are fast forwarding past a large portion of the so-called “ugly duckling” phase. Traditional FUE methods require the patient to shave their head for the surgeon to extract the hair follicles, which can be a deal-breaker for many patients who want to keep their hair long throughout the process. This is where No-Shave FUE comes in.

Dr. Goran Jezic is changing the hair restoration game in Houston. He is a highly-skilled and experienced, double-board certified hair transplant surgeon specializing in the revolutionary No-Shave FUE procedure. With over two decades of experience in the field, Dr. Jezic has helped countless patients achieve natural-looking, long-lasting hair restoration results, restoring their confidence and improving their quality of life. His state-of-the-art Houston Hair Transplant Center offers a range of advanced hair restoration procedures that use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure exceptional results. If you’re looking for a hair transplant specialist in Houston or Austin, TX, look no further. Call (713) 864-2300 to schedule your consultation today!

Interested in learning more about hair restoration with Houston’s leading specialist? Follow along with Dr. Jezic’s blog.

Before and After Photos

About No Shave FUE

FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, is a hair restoration technique that harnesses the power of modern technology to restore hair seamlessly.

Unlike traditional hair transplant techniques that require a large incision and the removal of a strip of scalp, FUE employs a more precise and less invasive approach. Hair follicles are carefully extracted one by one using a specialized tool that makes a tiny circular incision around the follicles. These follicles are then implanted into the areas of the scalp where hair is thinning or balding, resulting in hair that blends seamlessly with the patient’s existing hair.

In traditional FUE procedures, a large area of the back and sides of the head would need to be trimmed to 1 to 2 mm to harvest grafts efficiently. While some patients are fine with shaving their heads, it may not be a viable solution for everyone. Hair loss can be particularly challenging for women, who are often hesitant to pursue hair restoration because of the shave method, as well as for other patients who want to keep their existing hair long. However, with the no-shave FUE technique, only the grafts are trimmed, leaving most of the surrounding hair in the back and sides of the head at normal length

What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss, a pervasive and distressing condition, can make patients self-conscious and disheartened. Both men and women can be affected, although it is more commonly observed in men. The roots of hair loss are multi-fold, and understanding the underlying factors can aid in identifying the most effective treatment options.

One of the principal culprits of hair loss is genetics. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness, is an inherited condition that can gradually diminish the thickness of hair and result in its loss. This hair loss typically affects men more than women and advances over time. An excess of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that causes hair follicles to shrink, can lead to hair loss.[2]

Another leading factor of hair loss is hormonal shifts. Women may experience hair loss:

  • After pregnancy
  • During menopause
  • During fluctuations in hormone levels

Hair loss can also occur as a consequence of medical conditions. Autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata cause hair loss by attacking hair follicles. Scalp infections like ringworm can also lead to hair loss. Additionally, certain medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, can result in hair loss as a side effect.

Lifestyle factors can also play a pivotal role in hair loss. Nutritional deficiencies, stress, and tight hairstyles that put pressure on the hair, such as braids or ponytails, can all be contributors.

For Dr. Jezic to determine the most beneficial course of action, he must get to the root cause of his patients’ hair loss. For those considering No-Shave FUE, seeking advice from a qualified hair restoration specialist like Dr. Jezic can be a life-changing step in restoring a healthy head of hair.

What are the Benefits of No Shave FUE?

The benefits of no-shave FUE are numerous

  • It offers patients a permanent solution to hair loss, with results that can last a lifetime. 
  • It is a safe, effective, minimally invasive procedure that produces natural-looking results. 
  • FUE extraction does not leave a linear scar
  • Patients can maintain their long hair
  • It allows for hair extraction from non-scalp areas like the beard and chest, providing a large supply of additional donor hairs that can grow similarly to scalp and beard hairs once transplanted
  • It requires minimal downtime, and patients can typically return to their normal activities within a few days

The modern method of harvesting hair grafts involves removing individual follicular units from the donor area, one at a time. The tiny scars are undetectable in over 60% of patients.[2]

FUE is a versatile technique that can be customized to meet each patient’s specific needs. Whether a patient needs a small number of follicles or a full head of hair, FUE can be tailored to achieve their envisioned outcome.

Who are Ideal Candidates for No Shave FUE?

No-Shave FUE is an excellent option for individuals seeking a natural-looking and permanent solution to hair loss. The ideal candidates for the procedure are those:

  • With sufficient donor hair
  • Who desire a minimally invasive procedure
  • Who wish to maintain their active lifestyle without significant interruption
  • Who wish to conceal the fact that they have had a hair transplant by maintaining the length of much of their hair
  • Who wish to avoid the linear scarring on traditional strip transplant methods

Consult with Dr. Jezic to determine if No-Shave FUE is the right treatment for you. Call (713) 864-2300 for a consultation in Houston, TX, and the surrounding areas.

Personal Consultation

If you’re considering No-Shave FUE as a hair restoration option, consult a qualified hair restoration specialist, such as Dr. Jezic. During the consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your hair loss concerns and goals and learn more about the No-Shave FUE procedure.

Dr. Jezic takes a personalized approach to each patient, carefully assessing their hair loss pattern, hair density, and hair quality before recommending the best treatment options. You’ll be asked about your medical history, medications, and lifestyle habits during your consultation. He will also examine your scalp to assess the extent of your hair loss and determine if No-Shave FUE is the best option for you.

Dr. Jezic will explain the No-Shave FUE procedure in detail, including the number of grafts needed, the expected duration, and the expected recovery time. He will also answer any questions, addressing concerns about the procedure.

After the consultation, Dr. Jezic will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs and goals. Schedule your consultation today by filling out our stress-free online form.


Before your procedure, our team will provide you with a list of preoperative instructions, including dietary restrictions, medications to avoid, and how to prepare for the day of the procedure. Following these instructions carefully will ensure a smooth and successful procedure.

You cannot drive yourself home after the procedure, so make arrangements for transportation beforehand. Having a trusted friend or family member drive you to and from the procedure is best. Plan to take a few days off work to allow time for recovery. You may experience some discomfort and swelling after the procedure, so it’s important to rest and avoid any strenuous activity for a few days.

Before the procedure, your hair will need to be washed and cleaned, and it’s recommended to avoid using any hair products such as gel, mousse, or hairspray. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing on the day of the procedure. It’s best to wear a button-down shirt, as it will be easier to put back on without disturbing the newly transplanted hair.

Finally, the night before the procedure, get a good night’s sleep. It’s essential to be well-rested and relaxed on the day of the procedure so you will feel prepared and excited for your transplant and not tired and stressed.

The No-Shave FUE Procedure

The FUE Extraction Process

The No-Shave FUE procedure involves a meticulous and precise process of graft harvesting to ensure optimal results. During the procedure, Dr. Jezic uses a specialized tool called a punch to extract individual follicular units from the donor area of the scalp. The punch surrounds the follicular unit and is guided through the skin, following the direction of the hair. This process ensures the surrounding tissue is not damaged and the follicular unit is extracted intact.

To successfully harvest the graft, Dr. Jezic carefully stabilizes the surrounding skin, ensuring the graft is not damaged during the extraction process. The punch is typically up to 2.5 mm deep, and the grafts are carefully pulled out using manual pulling or suction techniques.[3] This ensures that the grafts are not damaged, and the surrounding tissue is not harmed. However, with No-Shave, also known as Long FUE, manual tools are preferred for optimal outcomes.

Once the grafts are harvested, the surrounding skin is trimmed under a microscope to minimize scarring before transplantation.

The transplantation process for No-Shave FUE involves carefully implanting the harvested grafts into the recipient area of the scalp. Dr. Jezic uses a specialized tool to make tiny incisions in the recipient area, where the grafts will be placed.

The FUE Transplantation Process

During transplantation, the patient will be under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort. The entire process can take several hours, depending on the number of transplanted grafts.

The size and depth of the incisions are carefully determined to ensure that the grafts are implanted at the correct angle, depth, and direction, which is essential for achieving natural-looking results. 

The incisions are made using a lateral slit technique, which creates tiny slits in the scalp, allowing the grafts to be inserted. Once the incisions are made, the harvested grafts are carefully inserted into the recipient area. Dr. Jezic takes great care to ensure the grafts are placed close together, creating a natural-looking hairline and a fuller, denser appearance.


After the transplantation, the patient will receive specific instructions from Dr. Jezic on caring for the newly transplanted hair, what medications to take, and what to expect during recovery. In general, patients should expect to experience minor discomfort and scalp swelling for a few days after the procedure.

Dr. Jezic may prescribe pain medications and antibiotics to help alleviate any discomfort and prevent infection. Patients should avoid touching or scratching the transplanted area, which can damage the grafts and prolong the healing process.

Patients will be advised to avoid strenuous physical activity for at least a week after the procedure and to avoid exposing the scalp to direct sunlight for a few weeks to prevent sunburn. During recovery, they should also wear a loose-fitting hat or a head covering to protect the scalp and avoid accidental damage.

In the weeks following the procedure, patients may experience some shedding of the transplanted hair. This is a natural part of the healing process and is nothing to be concerned about.

What are the Results of No-Shave FUE?

Patients can expect to see noticeable improvements in their hair growth within a few months of the procedure, with full results visible within six to twelve months. The transplanted hair will continue to grow and blend in seamlessly with the existing hair, creating a natural-looking, fuller head of hair.

With No-Shave FUE, patients can say goodbye to the embarrassment and frustration of hair loss and enjoy newfound confidence and self-esteem. Whether regaining a full head of hair or restoring a receding hairline, No-Shave FUE can help patients achieve their desired look and feel like themselves again.

But the results of No-Shave FUE go beyond just cosmetic appearance. Hair restoration can also help:

  • Improve a patient’s overall quality of life
  • Boost their confidence
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Create a robust social life
  • Alleviate anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues associated with hair loss
  • Improve the patient’s mental and emotional wellbeing

What is the Cost of No-Shave FUE?

Dr. Jezic looks forward to discussing the cost and other aspects of the no-shave FUE procedure with you during the no-obligation consultation. Call (713) 864-2300 today!


  1. Bared A, Epstein JS. Hair Transplantation Techniques for the Transgender Patient. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America. 2019;27(2):227-232.
  2. Randall VA. Androgens and hair growth. Dermatologic Therapy. 2008;21(5):314-328.
  3. Kuka G, Epstein J. The Role of Hair Transplantation for Managing Facial Trauma. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2017;33(06):613-620.