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Why It’s Important to See a Doctor For a Hair Transplant Consultation

Seeing a hair restoration expert prior to hair transplantation is a critical first step in the hair loss treatment process. When a patient seeks help for hair loss, they are beginning a process that will help them restore not only their hairline, but also their confidence. A one-on-one conversation with your hair transplantation specialist is the first, and most important arena for treatment discussion, including details about the physical appearance of your hair loss, its onset, and how it has impacted your life. 

It is common practice at many hair transplantation centers to have a patient meet with a patient liaison or coordinator for their consultation. However, it’s far more advantageous to speak to the hair transplant surgeon who will be the one performing and overseeing your procedure.  Scheduling a consultation to speak with the doctor themself is often exactly what a patient needs in order to feel confident and secure in their decision to undergo surgery. What’s more, the hair restoration doctor can screen and identify the underlying causes of the hair loss and determine if you are a candidate for FUE or FUT Hair transplants. 

Hair transplantation specialist and surgeon Dr. Goran Jezic speaks with every patient personally at an in-office or virtual consultation prior to their treatment. He works with them to assess the degree of hair loss, the cause of the hair loss, and their desired aesthetic outcomes. He then offers treatment to good candidates with either ARTAS or NeoGraft follicular unit extraction (FUE). Contact Houston Hair Transplant Center to set up your hair transplant consultation. Call (713) 864-2300 or fill out an inquiry form to get started.

Before and After Photos

Finding Help for Hair Loss

Though it can often feel as though you are alone in your struggle, hair loss is a difficult issue that affects a large portion of the population. Studies indicate that up to 85% of men and 40% of women have areas of hair loss. (1) Although there are multiple resources available to support hair growth such as medications, dietary supplements, vitamins, laser hair therapy, laser caps, topical compounds, serums, and non-surgical treatments, the condition can often only be treated effectively through surgical means. 

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of hair loss in men. Androgens are sex hormones that play an important role during puberty, but they also serve as chemical messengers in reproductive function and growth. The testosterone metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) greatly affects androgen-sensitive hair follicles, causing changes in these follicles that disrupt the hair cycle and cause male pattern baldness. This condition is characterized by frontal hairline recession, followed by diffuse thinning at the top of the head. (2) 

Dr. Jezic assesses every patient’s hair loss to determine if it is due to androgenetic alopecia, or if the underlying cause is something different. Having a doctor assess the root causes of hair loss is crucial to establish whether hair restoration surgery is a good fit for a patient’s needs and if a patient is a good fit for the procedure.

Seeing a Hair Restoration Specialist

Hair loss can leave a person feeling dissatisfied when they look in the mirror.  Studies into the psychological effects of hair loss have shown that related symptoms can range from mild to severe. Embarrassment, anxiety, anger, depression, and decreased confidence are all recorded psychological effects of hair loss. (3) And oftentimes, by the time a person reaches the doctor’s office, they are already deeply frustrated with their situation. It is therefore the responsibility of the surgeon to provide detailed counseling regarding the scope of treatment, to ensure that realistic expectations are met and that the patient receives the most effective treatment outcomes.

A successful hair transplant treatment plan depends on numerous factors, which include the following.

  • The specialized knowledge and skill of the surgeon
  • The type of hair restoration technique chosen 
  • The compatibility of the treatment for the patient
  • The patient’s willingness to follow the aftercare regimen 
  • The patient’s understanding of the scope of the treatment

In some cases, a patient may not realize that they aren’t a good candidate for hair transplantation. Data shows that not every person with hair loss should opt for hair restoration surgery. For example, in some cases previously undiagnosed medical conditions can lead to poor surgical outcomes. (3) That’s one of the reasons why a patient should seek counseling from a hair transplantation specialist before they opt for surgery. If you suffer from alopecia areata, lichen planus, melanoma, lichen planopilaris, and other types of hair loss disorders, you may not be a candidate for hair transplants and would need an alternate recommendation. 

Patient Counseling

During your personal consultation, Dr. Jezic will speak with you about some important things to consider regarding your treatment. Some of these include the following.

  • Not every type of hair loss can be treated. Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and inadequate hair density in the donor area are all contraindications for hair restoration surgery. (4)
  • For the majority of patients, results may take 6 to 9 months to see, and in some cases, hair growth may take up to a year.
  • No one line of treatment will work for everybody. And, in some cases, a combination of hair transplantation and another measure, such as medication, laser hair therapy, topical compounds, vitamins, supplements etc. will be necessary.
  • Patients with more advanced hair loss may not be able to restore full coverage, and may need additional measures (such as hair concealer or a hair piece). (3)
  • Patients should follow postoperative directions precisely for the most effective results.

Hair Transplantation Methods

If you are a good candidate for treatment, Dr. Jezic will recommend one of two hair restoration methods, ATERA FUE or NeoGraft FUE.


ATERA FUE is a minimally-invasive robotic hair restoration procedure that has helped thousands of patients achieve fuller, thicker hair. It uses a hydroponic harvesting feature that lubricates the root of the hair follicle during the extraction process. In the past, hair transplantation involved long linear scars on the scalp and a long recovery time. However, ATERA FUE extracts “follicular units” that achieve natural-looking results, no linear scar, and a significantly shortened recovery time. 


NeoGraft FUE is a minimally-invasive manual hair restoration technique. Unlike ARTAS, it is not robotically operated. Using a handheld device, Dr. Jezic skillfully harvests hair from donor sites with precision and care. He can then use his expert judgment to determine the most viable grafts for implantation. Like ARTAS FUE, NeoGraft procedures allow patients to achieve natural-looking results with no linear scarring. However, a much larger session, up to 3,500 or even 4,000 grafts is achievable with the ATERA or NeoGraft FUE System. 

In-Person and Virtual Consults

Dr. Jezic offers all prospective patients an in-office consultation at his Houston office, or a convenient virtual consultation for patients farther afield.

In-Office Consultation

During an in-office consultation, Dr. Jezic meets with you in person to discuss your concerns. He can perform a physical examination to carefully inspect the areas of hair loss, as well as provide an open forum for you to describe your personal experience of hair loss. This allows him to analyze the cause of the hair loss, and determine the best type of hair restoration treatment for your individual circumstances. This is also a good opportunity for you to see the center itself, and familiarize yourself with the treatment environment.

Virtual Consultation

A virtual consultation can be conducted over Zoom, telehealth, or a similar online video call platform for out-of-town clients. Prior to the video meeting, we will ask you to provide some photographs that show your hair loss from different angles. The quality of these photographs is important, as the clearer the information presented, the better it can be analyzed. After you have sent these pictures, Dr. Jezic will carefully review them and we will set up your virtual consultation. For more information, please visit our Virtual Consultation page.

Cost of Hair Transplant in Houston, TX

We will calculate the cost of your treatment after Dr. Jezic has drawn up a personalized treatment plan. Your personal consultation at Houston Hair Transplant Center is the first step towards achieving a fuller, thicker head of hair and boosting your confidence. Book your visit with us by calling us directly at  (713) 864-2300, or by filling out this form.

Read more about hair loss, ARTAS hair restoration, and NeoGraft on Dr. Jezic’s blog. You can also familiarize yourself with our office and the beautiful city of Houston here.


How do I find out if hair restoration is right for me?

The best way to determine whether hair restoration surgery is right for you is to speak to a doctor who specializes in hair restoration. Search for a doctor with the knowledge, skills, and necessary qualifications to assess your hair loss and put forth a personalized treatment plan.

What should I expect at a hair transplant consultation?

At your hair transplant consultation, you will be asked to provide some details about your medical history. You should be ready to give details about any health conditions you have, as some conditions preclude FUE treatment. The provider will usually perform a physical examination of the area of hair loss and assess donor areas for harvesting follicular units. This meeting is an opportunity to ask questions and learn about the hair transplantation process. Once you have discussed these in full with your provider, they can design an effective, individualized treatment plan for you.


  1. Zito PM, Raggio BS. Hair Transplantation. PubMed. Published 2021. 
  2. Piraccini BM, Alessandrini A. Androgenetic alopecia. Giornale Italiano Di Dermatologia E Venereologia: Organo Ufficiale, Societa Italiana Di Dermatologia E Sifilografia. 2014;149(1):15-24. Accessed September 2, 2022. 
  3. Dhami L. Psychology of Hair Loss Patients and Importance of Counseling. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery : Official Publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India. 2021;54(4):411-415. 
  4. True RH. Is Every Patient of Hair Loss a Candidate for Hair Transplant?—Deciding Surgical Candidacy in Pattern Hair Loss. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2021;54(04):435-440.