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Hair Grown From Programmed Stem Cells

A new breakthrough from research in Japan could serve as a step toward better transplants of skin and hair for people. The research shows that the engineers and researchers were able to successfully transplant skin containing all three layers as well as sebaceous gland and hair follicles by using stem cells to create the new skin cells. They did this by using stem cells and reprogramming them to become full blown and functional skin.

Although the research is still new and in its early stages, this could be a great option in the future since the skin contains everything your natural skin would have. The new skin forms full and functional connections to the muscle, fat, and nerve tissue, allowing transplanted skin to be normal i.e such as growing hair and releasing oils from protective glands. “This would potentially allow for thicker fuller hair with much less invasive approaches than restoration or graft implants.” states Dr Jezic of Houston’s Dr. Jezic’s Hair Transplant Center.

For men suffering from male pattern hair loss or would like to have more hair on the head, this could be a great option since the bioengineered skin contains everything just like the skin and hair you were born with and could be programmed in a lab. This could also mean that people who do not qualify for hair transplants currently may have another option available to them in the near future. The study was done in mice but is still incredible due to the ability to get all layers of a very complex organ, the skin, to grow and function from stem cells.

Hair restoration can be quicker and easier on patients. Plus, if you think FUE restoration allows for amazing recovery times, this could be even more instantaneous.

While this procedure is not yet available today, there are many other great options if you are looking to restore fullness to your hair. It’s best to see your hair doctor and speak about the many options that are available to you as well as what’s best for your specific case.