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FUE vs Neograft vs Artas Robotic Restoration

When diving into any new subject, catching up on all the strange lingo may be hard. In the world of medicine, long ridiculous sounding terms are constantly being thrown around but with no quaint definition to go with them. Hair transplants and its terminology can sound extremely scary like FUE, Neograft and Artas Robot. What do they mean and why are they important to know?

For starters, FUE is an abbreviation for ‘follicular unit extraction’. This is just one of the two types of hair transplants that can be done on patients. The FUE method extracts hair from the patient’s donor area individually and then transplant them into the recipient site. This may sound scary and painful but it actually isn’t because of the use of Neograft and Artas Robot, which cuts out the need to use a scalpel to cut into the scalp. This method is minimally invasive and does not require extensive after-care or stitches.

What is Neograft and the Artas Robot? They’re the latest technology in FUE hair restoration. They’re both the same machines that help increase the speed, efficiency and decreases variability when transplanting the hairs on a patient’s head. The Artas and Neograft machine is controlled by the physician and uses a 3-D image-guided program with a robotic arm. It has instant video imaging and an easy-to-use interface.

Now that you know a little more about the machines and FUE method you may be wondering how long it will take before your results will show with this method.

With FUE it can full results can take anywhere between six to eighteen months. Your transplanted hairs will grow as fast as your hair normally does – it’s as simple as that. Hair transplants may sound scary but the more you know, the less scary it will seem.