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Find A Hair Transplant Clinic In Houston Near You

Finding the right doctor at a convenient location can be a struggle sometimes especially when looking for a specialty clinic such as a hair physician who performs hair transplants. Without much research or knowledge, most people won’t know exactly where to look to get the help they need. Lucky for you, the Dr. Jezic’s Hair Transplant Center has two, readily available locations open for patients to book their appointments and get their questions answered.
There may not be a hair transplant clinic down every other street but here in Houston, you definitely have two clinics you can go to. Our first location, located in the heights area of Houston, and our second clinic, located in the posh Galleria Tanglewood area, are both centrally located easily accessible, being right off of 610 and i-10. Coming in during your lunch break or right after work won’t be a problem anymore since we’re located right by many other offices. You can choose the best location that is easiest to get to from your home or work.
Both of our locations offer free, exclusive parking to our patients. You won’t have to spend 20 minutes to find parking on the street, or have to pay for metered parking or a garage while coming in for your free consultation. You also don’t have to worry about long wait times or speaking to multiple people before ever meeting your hair physician. You get to speak directly to the doctor during your consultation, so any questions you have about anything concerning hair plug restorations are explicitly answered from a professional in the field. Get your implant questions ready for our us and we will handle them in detail to the best of our ability.
Now you don’t have to worry about complicated map directions or a difficult time finding parking. With the Dr. Jezic’s Center, we make our patients our first priority, right down to easy access to our clinics. We even offer online scheduling at our website at for an even more flexible scheduling! ​