Celebrities Get Hair Transplants

Many well-known people have decided to undergo a hair transplant surgery. The natural permanent results that can be obtained with today’s technology allows even those with the most public face-time exposure to get by with little notice of the procedure.

Looking good is important to all of us. However, this list highlights some important examples of people for whom looking good required the extra step of a restoration that is natural and undetectable. Fortunately, you do not have to be rich and famous to afford a high quality restoration for your male pattern baldness.

Famous Hair Transplant Patients

Elton John
Billy Crystal
Michael Keaton
Frank Sinatra
Salman Khan
Steve Carell
Sylvester Stallone
Dennis Miller
Ben Affleck
Christian Slater
Robert Forster
Bob Barker
Jamie Foxx
Robbie Williams
Tom Arnold
Nicolas Cage
Kelsey Grammer
Brendan Fraser
Mel Gibson
Kevin Costner
Joe Biden
David Cassidy
Silvio Berlusconi
Nawaz Sharif
Axl Rose
Oliver Stone
Kenny Rogers
James Nesbitt

*The above list is a compilation of people believed to have undergone hair restoration based on public records. We do not divulge or discuss our patient names or identifying information in any way or at any time without prior consent. The above is not a list of our patients.

Affordable Confidence

The Rich & Famous have made hair restoration a more common and mainstream therapy; however, you do not have to be rich nor famous to be a candidate. Hair restoration surgery is now also minimally invasive to your wallet, so you do not have to be rich and famous to look the way you feel. Do your research and learn more about choosing the best hair transplant surgeon in Houston.

The natural results of the hair implants also mean that daily life and work can go on as usual, for the famous and the Average Joe. Visit us today to find out why so many have trusted us with their hair restoration needs. Many doctors, dentists and other healthcare providers have decided we are the choice for them. And the list does not stop with health care providers, find out today why our list of patients includes celebrities, athletes, and multi-millionaires.

Visit us and find out why our center has become a hub for athletes and celebrity seeking the latest technology in advanced FUE hair transplants.

Sure, the rich and famous do it, but that does not mean it’s about vanity. This is about looking the way you feel. Which means looking good with great hair.

1- We do not believe it is about vanity.
2 – For some light reading, our blog is a great place to start.