Dr Zhang, you recently published Lesional infiltration of mast cells, langerhans cells, T-cells and local cytokine profiles of alopecia areata. Can you tell us in a simple manner, and 1-2 sentences, what the take away would be for an average person with hair thinning?

Don’t panic and seek help from dermatologists who major in hair diseases.

How often do you do scalp biopsies on male pattern baldness patients?

Very rare.

What general advice do you give to the typical male or female with androgenetic alopecia?

For man, take finasteride and use topical minoxidill. For woman, use topical minoxidill.

What general advice do you give to the typical male or female with alopecia areata?

Seek help when it first come, evidence shows that it is easier to handle an alopecia areata with shorter disease duration, although some dermatologist take up an attitude of ‘wait and see’.

Do you ask all your hair thinning patients to try minoxidil, even if its not androgenetic?

Yah, more or less. The only exception is late stage of scarring alopecia.

What do you see as the most promising development in hair loss research in the next 5 years that will have practical/clinical application?

Biologics to treat alopecia areata. Stem cell to treat male pattern hair loss and female pattern hair loss.

Read more hair expert interviews.